Special project / campaign with a codename «JAM SESSION» – during one day all of the authors and volunteers will go out and paint the longest fence this year - the fence around the Hippodrome. Total length of the mural will be 835 meters (350 sections) - a new Guinness record (previous was 550 meters - the wall around the mall in a town in Malaysia), each author will be granted 12 sections of fence. Each project will be connected / switched in the design of the colleague’s / neighbor’s project (eg, silhouette completion of your "piece" on the left and right, that your co-worker could "catch" or add their images to yours) - we are planning that this huge mural will be implemented as a game - sort of large-scale visual bouts-rimés. To make such a large collective work, we are also proposing to limit the palette with any 2 colors (color, hue, tint on your taste) and prepare graphically (without gradients, and additional colors) the solution to your visual ideas.