16 December 2012


The Ørestad street art competition invites artists from all over the world, to submit their vision for transforming a 271 meter long wall in Copenhagen, Denmark, into a spectacular work of art. Application concept: Title: Acceleration of Colour From distance viewing Ørestad is a fast moving and horizontal city, with new urban architecture and modern city planning. The wall is an integral part of the visible experience of the transport system, both road, rail, and pedestrian. The length of the wall and the distance from ‘start to finish’ presents an dynamic for pictorial design that will operate in ‘snatches’ but also as an integral whole image as viewed for example, from the train. In addition the work will function as a moving artwork as the viewer is positioned in transit. The sketches submitted have identified three sections for each element but in realisation the dimension of shapes in the design will stretch over five, six or more panels as the possibilities for the viewer are identified. Acceleration of Colour will be made in response to the place and location of the city of Ørestad featuring elements of the cityscape as initial idea shapes for the design. This follows recent commission projects where reference to place and location led to a new way of identifying pictorial structure. The project would involve drawing and research on location as angles, shapes and forms from around the town are identified for subject matter. Click here to view the two design sketches.


Banner exhibitions 2013 In four villages in West Jutland, Denmark: Humlum Nörre Snede Sdr. Nissum Nees-Skalstrup - or Vorgod-Barde. The banner exhibitions 2013 will be part of the cultural festival ‘The Wave’ August 17. - October 19. 2013 organized by the Cultural Collaboration in Mid and West Jutland. ET4U is an artist-run non-profit artist run organization based in West Jutland, Denmark, whose main purpose is to create network among artists and to promote contemporary visual art in the western part of Denmark – the banner exhibitions is one of the ways for ET4U - to bring contemporary visual art out to anyone living in these rural areas. ET4U has invited artists from Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Pakistan, India, Brazil, Ecuador, Scotland, Wales, France, Italy, Serbia, Spain, Portugal, USA, Canada, Lithuania, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan and Denmark. Following invitation, research is now under way. With the theme of the Wave it is hard for me this time not to work from the ocean, Tremadog bay, that is right on top of the studio. It is a cliche for a them of 'wavy' or 'waves' to use water and movement of water, but, this time the visual possibilities are not to be ignored. Digital files have been made and these first digital sketchbooks will form the basis for the development of the designs - in the first instance.

08 December 2012

Primed Supports for New Work

New painting supports made: 17 small mdf supports cut and primed with one coat. One further coat needed..