29 September 2013

New Paintings - Work in Progress

The 18 series paintings are developing well. Today, a grey from violet, raw umber and yellow gave a successful chromatic grey in linking area spaces in the pictorial space.

Archive Gouache

This gouache from 2009 found its way to daylight in the clearing and cleaning of work in the main plan chest. Its definitely worth a view albeit in the corner of this desk photo shot.

24 July 2013

New Work - Paintings in Progress

The latest series of 18 paintings on mdf board are ongoing and nearing a conclusion. This series has been made over the past six months and as a process signal a slower way of working. Although small in size these works are taking what seems like a considerable amount of time to resolve. The full series can be viewed here.

14 July 2013

13 June 2013


Although unsuccessful on this project, the images created stand as a document of an idea. Title: Movement of Colour Dimension: Overall design will cover 2 x 60 metre, divided into 10 sections of 2 x 6 metre Proposed Media: Liquitex Spraypaint; Liquitex Acrylic for Edge Finish Concept: The design through elongation of form will create a dynamic synthesis of colour capitalising on the length of the wall and the curve at the entrance to Evesham Street. View the full portfolio here

06 May 2013

New Paintings - Studio Practice

The series of 18 new small paintings on mdf continue this weekend in spectacular light conditions. Van Gogh and Amsterdam oil paint with regular Lukas and Roberson have created a new palette with seemingly quieter colours counter balanced by conscious elements of drawing designed to question the space.

23 April 2013


The final stage of Oceanus and digitalisation for transfer to the banner. In painting the final parts a close brush line movement closed the surface of the interlacing bands of colour. The underlying elements are concealed and only part of their function as lines can be seen. Undercurrent of movements are apparent, but only partially clear. Then each painting is divided into four sections for photography and then rejoined to form the complete banner with Oceanus 2 being rotated 180 degrees. I have kept the edges of the painting because they really make the banner into an artwork. To do this, I had to stretch the painting because with the extra bit on each side, it did not fit the template.

11 April 2013

OCEANUS Continuation - Two Stages

The two paintings that will form both sides of the banner for the ’Wavy banners’ 2013 with ET4U, Denmark are continuing...latest can be seen here with two further stages

24 March 2013

OCEANUS continuation

The two paintings that will form both sides of the banner for the ’Wavy banners’ 2013 with ET4U, Denmark are continuing...latest can be seen here and previous at the link here

11 February 2013

New Gouache Works for 2013

The new gouache works are beginning to filter through having relocated the paper based works production place from Moreia studio to the house conservatory for the winter. This new work is one of the planned larger gouache and as a first new painting is significant in the spatial and shape dynamic incresed dimension. This new work 71.1.13 is 75 x 53 cm.

13 January 2013

New Paintings and Oceanus 1

New paintings started today. 18 in total using raw sienna, indian red, azo yellow and an olive green. An unusual colour and given to me, so trying out a hue never usually sourced myself. As with all colours the manufacturers' mix is at pigment stage so even the tertiary colours and greys have a luminosity hard to match when mixing on the palatte. With these new paintings I have bgun all with low key colours pushing a shape in different direction. These feel like somehting new. Not done this before. I have also started Oceanus 1, wavy banner project first side. The theme of movement and wave providing impetus for a painting of linear form.

SEA Research at British Museum 2

Tomb of Kybernis, see last post....

SEA Research at British Museum 1

Considering the depiction of ocean, waves and water in various creative media and periods, the British Museum led to looking at a mosaic of a sea god, from the 4th century in Gloucestershire. The acquatic scene depicts the head and upper torso of a sea god, either Oceanus or Neptune, with a staggling eard and lobster claws at each temple and a trident across one shoulder. He is surrounded by dolphins, mythical creatures and sea vegetation. Not so much depiction of waves in this but the title lingers. Whilst there I was struck also be the Tomb of Kybernis, about 480 BC where sirens, winged creatures, carry figure maybe the souls of the deceased. The same figures appear in a church in Oxfordshire, al though I can't recall the name, the figures are strikingly recognisable. From this Oceanus will be the working title for wavy banner project.