15.02 minutes
Andrew Smith with Dimitri Rastoropov
This is the collaborative film work with composer Dimitri Rastoropov and has been presented for
ICAW 2014 documented art space at Theatr Harlech. Connect to documented art space here and scroll to artists.
I am very interested in the way the two art forms seem to have become mutually beneficial. Certainly with the film work bulding on Synchronicity (8 minutes as in the post below), the extended time frames adds a new dimension to the experience of the colour areas. It is designed as an installation piece and is projected but it is also and in some respects, more effective on the screen. This is because the visual textures are evident and seem unfixed as if on each view the interval would be different. This quality is to do with film additive colour but is also digital. The film work was presented on 6th Septmber at the opening evening and will again be shown in the next presentation on 13th September.