Engaging Studio Practice for Learning: New Art from Past Art Re-take/Re-invent Paper at
iJADE NSEAD conference on Drawing. 18 and 19 November 2016.
Big Naples Painting at Re take Reinvent Main Exhibition Oriel Ynys Môn
Andrew Smith | Bangor University, UK
Re-take/Re-invent is a group exhibition project at Fine Art, Bangor
University, looking at the art collection of the National Museum Wales as a
start point for an exploration of studio practice. The paper will examine the
role of drawing in the investigation and development of new ideas from the
works chosen. Fifteen artists have taken part in the project with different
approaches to drawing being at the forefront of several portfolios. As a
result, strategies for thinking through drawing have been exposed that might
not have been at the forefront of the artist’s usual practice.