16 February 2022

Faberllull Olot Residència, Olot, La Garrotxa, Girona, Catalunya 2021

Faberlull Olot is an intensive residency for arts, sciences and humanities,  based in the city of Olot in the volcanic region of La Garrotxa. Managed by the Institut Ramon Llull in collaboration with Olot's town council, Faberlullu enables writers, poets and creative thinkers in a wide range of disciplines to come together to share political, social and cultural exchange whilst working on a project. I was invited to attend in November with fellow participants Jordi Casanovas (Catalunia, playwright); Julia Forrest (USA, photographic artist); Erga Netz (Netherlands, television producer); Katarzyna Jarosz (Poland, linguist) Odai Al Zoubi (Syria, writer); James Kelly (Scotland, writer); Kateryna Bortsova (Ukraine, artist); Eleanor Stanford (USA, poet); Sandra Santos (Portugal, poet) and Sisir Devkota (Nepal, artist) (group photo below). We found connections through discussions on excursions, walks and at communal meal times, working individually on projects during the day. At all times we were based at Hotel Riu Fluvià on the outskirts of the city.

I was able to find a good place to work in part of the restaurant, not used in the winter. This had a panoramic view of the volcanic mountains that Olot is situated in. Using dry media I started a series of drawings based on a particular place in the old city, Plaça Clara, that had a presence, something to do with history, time and stillness; maybe a kind permanence. Frequent excursions into the city on the bike and foot, meant I could draw on site and return to the studio space in the afternoon when the sun had warmed the glass space.

Chalk, Conte 55 x 72 cm

Plaça  Clara. Collection Faberlull, Catalunia. Chalk, Conte 55 x 72 cm 2021

Placa Clara, Olot

I guess on reflection working in the glass space almost outside and close to the volcanic geology of the place that through visual interpretation of the changing light configurations on the mountains something of the place permeated the feeling behind the drawing process. 


Blending the coloured chalks, fixing the surface and replay drawing progressed the image. I relished integrating the pigments, almost dust into the paper surface (cartridge paper bought in Olot) then retracing a sharper line across the surface. 

Following from monochrome (white to deep grey chalks) and coloured chalks, I moved to oil pastels in the final stages of the residency. 

oil pastels 55 x 72 cm 


Faberlull organised a visit to Besalu, Castellfolit de la Roca and Post Medieval del riu Llierca. We had many self organised walks and excursions around Olot. (Further Besalu and Olot photos are here)

Sisir Devkota (Nepal, artist);.Julia Forrest (USA, artist)
Katarzyna Jarosz (Poland, linguist); Eleanor Stanford (USA, poet); Odai Al Zoubi (Syria, writer); James Kelly (Scotland, writer). Conversations at Pont Medieval de Llierca

Faberlull had three well equipped bikes available for use; here in Olot.

Katarzyna Jarosz (Poland, linguist); Eleanor Stanford (USA, poet); Odai Al Zoubi (Syria, writer); James Kelly (Scotland, writer); Kateryna Bortsova (Ukraine, artist); Andrew Smith (Wales, artist); Sisir Devkota (Nepal, artist);.Julia Forrest (USA, artist)

Reflective Statement for Faberlull website:

Exploring Olot: Colour and Line. 


My stay at Faberlull, Olot has been remarkably productive. Using dry art materials for drawing including chalks, pastels and oil pastels I have made eight colour works based on my experience of moving around the city on foot and bicycle. The atmosphere of Placa Clara was particularly striking as I felt an enclosed protective environment that I imagine would be shady and protective in hot summer months and at this time of year, November, was an encompassing and warm place to be. On location I made sketch book drawings and from these and photographs, I was able to create works responding to my impressions, also reflecting on the early winter light that penetrated the glass space of the outside restaurant that was kindly made available as a working space for my residency. 


The conversations with my eleven residency peer group was particularly enriching as this was the first residency where I have worked alongside writers, producers, poets and translators and the diversification of issue based conversation expanded horizons. 


The residency and support was excellent. For visual art there is so much potential in the rich geographic and cultural location of La Garrotxa. Thank you faberlull.

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